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Reaching Out Festival Takeover

The Reaching Out Festival Takeover took place on Saturday 27 July at Northern Stage and it celebrated arts and culture with, by and for young people aged 11-25.

The event brought together all of the art work and artists from the project, offering audiences an opportunity to experience art work made by young people, and take part in arts activities run by artists and young artists.

It was a free afternoon for young people full of colourful and creative activities with a festival vibe! 

The festival included live music performances, theatre performances, exhibitions, film screenings and drop-in workshops.

The Festival included the artworks produced during the project by the young people from Blakelaw and The Bostey.

Moreover we commissioned some other groups to create some work apposite for the Festival and for some other groups we gave the possibility to share their work allowing them to share their work in a Festival for young people.


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