Skimstone Arts’ have been commissioned by St Anthonys’ Day Services on a 3 x year project.
Inspired by the garden project at St Anthony’s, sessions initially focused on creating songs about the importance of our living planet and how we need to care for our trees, flowers and the natural world. This sense of social activism helped to create a series of songs, with original lyrics, that we were all proud of. We crafted lyrics that: expressed what we wanted to say about the world; promoted individual and collective voices within the group; provided a focus for each session; introduced skills in vocal training, lyric writing, percussion, song structure and production, performance.
A public performance of this collective of 5 x songs was performed at Conaty Awards to an audience of 120 people in December 2023.
We now have a band called The Upstartz that are rehearsing their songs ready to record at Blank Studios in May 2024!
This will be be an exciting opportunity for the community, and for many recording their original songs in a recording studio will be a new experience. Find out more about the wonderful impact this project is having on the individuals involved by heading to ...